William J. Bowlan
(360) 871-1422

Financial Planner

Background in financial sales, marketing, and management. Worked with American Express Financial Advisors and Financial Network Investors in financial product sales. Have Series 7 and Series 66 licenses. Experienced with financial and retirement planning concepts and strategies. Given classes, seminars and talks to the public on financial and technical topics. Extensive client contact in both business and social settings. Worked with CPA's setting up, managing and reporting on 401K, profit sharing and other financial plans. Computerized a mortgage company, credit union and other financial organizations. BS from The Evergreen State College, Olympia. Active in the community.


Hands-on manager. Full staff and budgetary control on last jobs. Began central budgeting for utility for IS needs, saving considerable money, effort and waste. Have been able to save or generate my salary in last jobs. Developed and implemented project, strategic, contingency and disaster plans. Wrote Policies and Procedures manual. Cut lead-time on projects significantly in last four jobs. Increased System Availability for electric utility from 95.6% to 99.9%. Have made presentations to employees, managers, board members, community organizations, and technical user groups. Excellent people skills and facilitator. Good working relations with all members of organization and with vendors. Extensive client contact.


Prepared and sold retirement and financial plans and implemented them with trusts and investments. Presented budgets and strategic plans to public, staff and Board of Directors. Conducted needs assessments, cost studies, and project and implementation plans for many large projects. Very good attention to detail and ability to handle multiple projects and priorities.

Project Manager

Project Manager for hardware (installs and conversions) and software (system design, development, installs and conversions). Most projects finished on time and within budget. Led interdepartmental Year 2000 Team for electric utility and made presentations to board of Commissioners and top community organizations. Cut lead-time of projects at utility from months to two or three weeks. System availability went from 95.6% to 99.9%. Project manager for Internet web site. Led installation of web server in-house. Wrote Project, Strategic, contingency and disaster plans. Project manager for conversion of software and hardware in five Branch offices of advertising agency. Completed in two months with no down time to the offices in spite of losing key members of team. Negotiated all computer purchases. Extensive Client contacts.

Web producer

Building websites since 1994. First webmaster for Mason County PUD #3. Built the Website and the Intranet for the utility. Handled all phases of the Web site development. Trained the current Web Master in HTML, JavaScript and other Web technologies. Built commercial sites since 1996. Used to working on tight deadlines and manage time well. Trained others in HTML with the 'notepad' and FrontPage editor's in building commercial sites. Trained in Macromedia DreamWeaver, Corel Webmaster, Microsoft FrontPage, Hotmetal, and other editors. The links to the WebPages that I have built, along with an on-line resume, are at http://www.bowlan.com . You can see a new tourist site I am building for a Not for Profit organization Route 6 Tourist Association. You can see a dummy Intranet site I built. In order to learn Active Server Pages I am putting together a site on the history of the Washington State Ferry Fleet. There is a job web site I helped build while at The Evergreen State College. It is a bit dated, but it does show what can happen in a team environment.

Project Manager

2001 - 2001

Westar Financial

Olympia, WA

Project manager for Auto Leasing company running Apple Macintosh workstations and printers on TCP/IP connected to an IBM AS/400. We are connected to the Internet with multiple T1's.

Financial Planner

2000 - 2001

American Express Financial Advisors

Tacoma, WA

Financial advisor for a large multinational corporation. Financial planning, sales and advice to individuals.

I.S. Manager

1994 - 1999

Mason County PUD 3

Shelton, WA

Manager for electric utility running Windows NT workstations and printers on TCP/IP connected to an IBM AS/400. Two remote sites connected to the LAN using Frame Relay (with voice over data) and we have dial in capabilities to either the network or the AS/400 and we are connected to the Internet with an ISDN line.

I.S. Manager

1992 - 1994

The Squire Shop, Inc.

Tacoma, WA

Handled all aspects of Data Processing. Company running IBM System/36 computer and IBM PC's.

VP of M.I.S.

1985 -1992

Evans Comm., Inc.

Salt Lake City and Seattle

Responsible for all I.S. functions for corporation with seven offices throughout the west. All offices Used IBM System/36 computers and extensive network of IBM and Apple PC's. Two offices ran DEC MicroVAX for office automation. All offices connected by dial-up lines.


Management, Planning, Finance, Human Resource, Project Management, Internet and Intranet, Budgeting, IS Operations, Systems Analysis and Design, Strategic and Contingency Planning


RPG, CL, HTML, JavaScript, ASP, JSP, Visual RPG, SQL, OCL, Dreamweaver, PHP,


IBM AS/400, IBM System 36, DEC Micro VAX, Servers, Apple MacIntosh and PC's


Leasing, Utility, Retail, Government, Manufacturing, Advertising, Trucking


Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in I.S. Management from The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.

2002 Business Law (5 unit college class. 4.0 grade)
2002 Intro to Business (5 unit college class. 4.0 grade)
2002 Accounting (5 unit college class. 4.0 grade)
2001 Presenting Data and Information (seminars and indepentant study)
2000 Financial Analysis and Planning (college courses)
1999 Javascript, Web development (college courses)
1999 Computers, Communities, Communications (college course)
1998 Emergency planning and Emergency Management (FEMA courses)
1998 Management in an Information Society. (Organizational Behavior, Financial Analysis and Personel Development) 24 unit, yearlong course - The Evegreen State College
1997 Internet and Intranet Development (college courses)
1996 Computer Security and Disaster Planning (Seminars)